Sunday, 18 October 2015

Dealing with My Furnace Emergency

One of the worst things that can ever happen when you're dealing with the cold of winter is that your furnace decides to break down and not work anymore. That sounds like the worst case scenario, doesn't it? The last time that it happened to me, it was one of the coldest days that we had seen throughout the entire winter, and my furnace just kind of decided that it was time to kick the bucket on me. That timing really couldn't have gotten any worse for me and my family, because the longer we went without heat, the colder that it ended up getting over time. 

So, the first thing that I did was try to be Mr. Fix it and try to repair the entire thing myself. That, however, didn't work as planned. I tried to see if the problem was on the outside, then I tried to open the one box and I ended up shocking myself. It was at that point that I figured it wasn't that good of an idea to try and be doing this on my own, so I decided to give my furnace repair company in Evanston a call.

Thankfully, they had repairmen on call 24 hours a day for furnace repair in Evanston, and almost right after I made the phone call, they had someone out and on their way. There were two of them that came in the truck, and I was incredibly happy to see them. I actually almost hugged them, but I figured they may find that a little odd, so I shook their hands instead and let them go about their business. They went down into the basement where the furnace was located, and they started to get to work on it right away. 

During the time that they were repairing the furnace, the kids and I decided to go the video game store so that they could get some video games as a reward for dealing with how cold it was while I tried to fix it myself. We had been in the store for about 15 minute when we got a call to let us know that the furnace was fixed and that we were ready to go. I was ecstatic! I let the kids finish picking out what we wanted and went back home.

The professional repair persons who did my furnace repair Evanston vawere great, and I was really glad that they were able to help us get the furnace going on what ended up being the coldest day last winter. You know how miserable it can be without heat, and so they got the job done right and at a fair price. I recommend that you check them out for yourself as well – I know I'll be calling them for all of my furnace needs in the future, including inspections and repairs.

For More Informtion About: Glenview furnace repair


  1. It really is interesting that there are so many things that can be done to ensure that plumbers are able to help out. I had no idea that there was so much work that went into getting a furnace to work. Hopefully this will end up being a great way to help others get the most out of their experience as well. Thank you for sharing.

  2. It really is interesting that there are so many things that can be done to ensure that plumbers are able to help out. I had no idea that there was so much work that went into getting a furnace to work. Hopefully this will end up being a great way to help others get the most out of their experience as well. Thank you for sharing.

  3. This post just speaks to me! Our heater broke down this winter and it was so awful. With three little kids, my husband believed he could fix it. He couldn't if you're wondering. We went the entire night without heat and camped out in our living room to stay warm! Luckily we got fast service in the morning, thank God!

    Melinda Rose @ PhoenixSouth HVAC

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  5. You definitely did the right thing in getting help to fix your broken furnace. It is not worth risking injuring yourself in order to fix it! Also, you could only end up making the problem worse. I'm happy you got your furnace fixed and could keep nice a toasty from the cold winter outside! Nothing beats coming in from the cold and wrapping up to get warm.
